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Bak ft. MissX - Save Ukraine (video+subtitles+lyrics)

Перегляди: 5 Додав: Редактор Майшев 

“Save Ukraine” music video contains images and videos from open Internet sources.

Music, MC: Bak (https://www.facebook.com/vladimir.eli...).
Vocal: MissX.
Video: Chuh (https://www.facebook.com/dmitriy.chuh), Bak.


I know the world sees this disease we are surviving
And sees the reason we are fighting. Simply a tyrant.
And still some leaders act like they wait for his pangs of conscience.
Alright, then I’ll try something that’ll work out way more likely.

So I refer to all the magicians and psychics:
If you can influence matter remotely, that is so exciting.
I'm not asking to assassinate the tyrant - no more dying!
Please just have him buried alive by the Heavenly Hundred*.

I say “Thanks!” to USA. And as for Europe leaders…
If I'm no more here when you hear it, you know who did this.
And thank you for judging him, it really makes us feel much better,
It's just it's little bit like judging an attacking alligator.

People all of over the world give us their heart support.
Lights are on and lies are shown. Now what? You think he'll just go?
We've proved we’d do anything for changes for the better.
So why not to have a stronger friend instead of a stronger dictator?

You can help to save Ukraine,
save Ukraine, save Ukraine,
You can help cuz any day
For someone it can be late.
You can help to save Ukraine,
save Ukraine, save Ukraine.
If the tyrant goes to hell,
Anyway you’ll help yourself.

I'm just saying we should be together and be real partners
To tell all the crazy suckers to take off and never touch us.
We should be a real part of Europe, mentally we are in it.
It's just we had a government that was heartily covering it.

Cuz it was a syndicate of that same dictator.
They could only rob and say that all would be better later.
They could hit you to the face
Just for any case.

Faking hate to Russian people, having their brains washed up.
Making up that we are evil, that we're fascists, that's enough!
So when the leaders count the likely profits of their countries
Do they take into account risks of working with a psycho?

And as for us, we risk lives for the land we live on.
What else must we do to finally be believed in?
So if you really want to help to make the world a better place.
One of the most effective steps is to help to save Ukraine.

You can help to save Ukraine,
save Ukraine, save Ukraine,
You can help cuz any day
For someone it can be late.
You can help to save Ukraine,
save Ukraine, save Ukraine.
If the tyrant goes to hell,
Anyway you’ll help yourself.
*The name "Heavenly Hundred" refers to the pro-Euromaidan activists killed during Euromaidan

Теґі: Lyrics, save Ukraine
Рік: 2014
Мова: English
Трималість: 00:02:43
Автор: Бак (Владимир Елизаров)

Всього коментарів: 0

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